Trafficking – an increasing danger

Carl Magnus Magnusson, a social science student in Malmö, makes a new comment regarding trafficking. I am very interested in history, mostly because it is through history that we can see our mistakes and improve as human beings. Our decicions today are shaped according to how we acted in the past. We have made everyday… Read more »

The Fair Sex campaign at the Museum of World Culture

Speaking of summer and holidays; most of us want to have a good time, relax and have a party☺ Speaking of summer. Sex of course has a place!… Fair Sex. At the same time, human sex trade continues. Thousands of people, mostly young become victims of sexual exploitation this summer. The awareness that this exists… Read more »

Go Slutwalk…

Apparently a police officer in Toronto claimed that after being raped women should avoid dressing like sluts to avoid being sexually assaulted. The victim is to blame. WRONG WRONG WRONG some responded with good reason. And points at a message in society “don’t get raped” rather than “Don’t rape.” The focus should be on not… Read more »

We are fine the way we are…

RealStars has asked plenty of people what they think is important in life. Most think family and friends, love, respect and acceptance of who you are is at the top. I think most people in our society would have said the same thing. When it all comes around, we are all the same. Beauty ideals… Read more »

Maria Gustafsson ”Fair sex should be a given”

Now Three Questions are asked to Maria Gustafsson, entrepreneur and social scientist at MIKU. Many of you probably know of Maria as a blogger and creator of . WebCoast. 1. What do you think is important in life? That you and those close to you know what is important. To understand what that means people… Read more »

A conversation with Patrik Cederlöf, national co-ordinator against trafficking in Sweden

We have spoken to Patrik Cederlöf at the County Administrative Board in Stockholm, the authority which co-ordinates the work against human trafficking and prostitution between authorities and nonprofit organizations in Sweden. What is your assignment? ”We have received the mandate for coordination and it is now clear that we have been given renewed trust until… Read more »

Hello all Stars

At the end of March us four girls from “Globala gymnasiet” have been interns at Realstars (Dejana Vasic, Anna Persson, Charlotta Andersson, Ylva Berg). Our goal this week was to enlighten people, mostly young people, about trafficking. We collected signatures in the city. We went to schools and informed young people about what Realstars does… Read more »