Sextrafficking is a growing crime where women and girls are particularly vulnerable to being exploited in prostitution. Men’s demand for sex is the fundamental problem as it drives human trafficking. In connection with International Women’s Day, Realstars educates hotels and starts an auction against trafficking. Prostitution and human trafficking occur daily in Sweden and Europe,… Read more »
Posts Categorized: Trafficking
Ord har betydelse!
Ord har betydelse! Fjolårets kartläggning av prostitution och människohandel genomförd av Jämställdhetsmyndigheten innefattar begreppet “sex mot ersättning”. Dessutom användes ord som “köpare” och “säljare” för förövare respektive personer som utnyttjades i prostitution. Detta underminerar den utsatthet som ett liv i prostitution så ofta präglas av. Realstars har länge varit en organisation som har uppmärksammat hur… Read more »
How are women in prostitution and pornography affected by covid-19?
The corona virus affects everyone. However, some are more vulnerable than others. The recommendations directed at women in prostitution highlight a lack of knowledge about their reality and the rising demand for pornography can have terrible consequences. The European Network of Migrant Women has written an article on how migrant women are affected by the… Read more »
New labeling to stop sex buyers in Thai salons
The sex trade at Thai massage parlors has expanded and proceeded undisturbed around the country. Now the organization RealStars is launching a labeling and an educational film to focus on demand with the support of the Sex Purchase Act. The industry is involved for a joint force demonstration. Sex purchases at hotels and during the… Read more »
New study on the listed companies´ work against exploitation
Human trafficking is a global challenge and an urgent human rights issue, which is not getting enough attention at the moment. Companies in different branches can have a decisive effect here by cutting off access to products that are used by the sex industry. Companies don´t want to be associated with the sex industry either…. Read more »
Fair Fucking Thursday – Fundraising event at Pustervik May 16 from 6 pm to 10 pm
Fair Fucking Thursday is a music-filled fundraising night when we pay attention to sex on equal terms, with reciprocity and respect. Under the guiding star Fair Sex, RealStars sheds light on human trafficking in Europe by focusing on the demand that drives sex trafficking. On the stage stands Dominoklubben and Lisa Wanloo! In addition to… Read more »
The EU Commission wants to strengthen rights for victims of human trafficking
On March 11, The European Commission released a report to help strengthening the rights for people who fall victim to trafficking in Europe. The report is a result of the mission that the president of The European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, assigned Joëlle Milguet in October of 2017 concerning a review of the work of The… Read more »
March 8th against gender-based violence
On International Women’s day on the 8th of March, RealStars attended and hosted events in Gothenburg and Stockholm to give attention to prostitution and human trafficking as forms of gender-based violence against women. 94% of those subjected to human trafficking for sexual purposes are girls and women, according to the UN:s body against organized crime…. Read more »
Good start for the implementation of the French Sex Purchase Act is creating opposition
As the fifth country in the world, France voted in a Sex Purchase Act in accordance with the Swedish model almost three years ago. Within the abolitionist movement, we cheered, since that meant taking a big step forward in the fight against sex-trafficking and prostitution. However, the norm-breaking law faces criticism also in France. The… Read more »
Award-winning Austrian movie about trafficking at Göteborg´s Film Festival
RealStars guest blogger Robert Schenk reviews the new film Joy which attended Göteborgs film festival. The movie is based on thorough research to give a believable depiction of trafficking to Europe from West Africa, but it would have been a stronger message if the causes were clarified – the requests in the west and the… Read more »