On the 17th of October, RealStars visited two of PEAB’s introductory language classes. RealStars was once again met with striking engagement and commitment, but also problematic attitudes regardings sex on equal terms – Fair Sex. When RealStars lectures on trafficking and prostitution, we always ask the audience what is the biggest reason it exists. Very… Read more »
Fair Sex
(Svenska) RealStars supervolontär Astra
Cyber-Vulnerability on social media platforms
RealStar’s volunteer Louise Zackrisson are thinking about social media and their role in sexual abuse. So, social media is great right? You can share your life with others, get information about the next event near you and keep in touch with family and friends. However social media is also a virtual passage for various trafficking… Read more »
RealStars visits Finland – a country that carried out a law of compromise
RealStars continiues the mission to meet organisations in other EU countries and share our work in supporting the swedish law on prostitution and our message about Fair Sex. And the most recently is our meetings with organisations from Finland where there’s an interest in new efforts since the backlash in the work against sex trade. RealStars education in hotels and… Read more »
Intervju med Irena Pozar som är Chefredaktör Veckorevyn.com
Realstars intervjuar här Irena Pozar som är Chefredaktör Veckorevyn.com. Veckorevyn är en tidning som idag har stor påverkan på många unga tjejer. Irena har tagit ställning med en viktig kampanj som Realstars anser är linje med Fair Sex. Tjejer ska ju självklart få uttrycka sin sexualitet men samtidigt blir många stämplade som “hora”. Slutshaming är… Read more »
On the 8th of march we asked the question: ”Has your company taken a stand against the buying of sex?”
On the 8th of March we at RealStars were out and about in Stockholm and Gothenburg to ask questions that don´t sound like questions at all; ”Has your company taken a stand against the buying of sex? If not, why?” In connection with International Women´s Day on March 8th RealStars started its long-term work to… Read more »
The demands of men create vulnerability and oppression
In a world where demand and economic interests to a large extent rule, and men sit on a structural advantage in terms of power, this will always mean that forces work to make sure that the demands of men are met. This paves the way for an acceptance of the (economic, social, mental, physical) vulnerability… Read more »
We mark the European Day for Victims of Crime on Instagram
Today is the European Day for Victims of Crime and we take the opportunity to commemorate all trafficking victims with a series of illustrations that Dennis Johannson has created especially for our Instagram account: @kimrealstars Kim is the public face of RealStars’ online project Fair Sex Online. Kim is one of our agents who spreads stories… Read more »
Porn – a phenomenon that awakes reactions and needs to be discussed
Today’s normalization of porn where we are exposed by our own or other’s consumption is striking. What alternative is there but mainstream porn? RealStars emphazises the most important part of the scool. Laure Olivia is in charge of young people’s engagement in the chairity organisation FiLiA, that work’s for women’s rights. She recently wrote an… Read more »
Inspiration, dialogue for change at Anna Lindh MedForum 2016
After some intensive days in Malta it’s time to try to summarise the Anna Lindh Mediterranean Forum 2016. At its centre are intercultural dialogue, openness and creating new stories and counterforces to violence, discrimination and extremism which are such topical issues today. As the representative for Realstars I was one of around 500 people who gathered… Read more »