Fair Sex

Open your eyes

During the past week I have given a lot of thought to Fair Sex, particularly as to why there are so much unfair sex. The Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society reports on their website that 1.7% of Swedish youths have sold sex on the Internet at least once. To read this kind of… Read more »

From Way out West with love

Way out West a true highlight to all music lovers, has just ended. Prince was amazing! Last year I was looking after and  leggings and photographed all the cool ones. This year besides fashion I also have Fair Sex in mind.  You can read in various magazines about the festival fashion. Way out West is a city festival,… Read more »

Nobody touches me without my consent

Elizabeth Granqvist wants to show what’s beautiful, positive or just commonplace. But also take a stand against everything unjust. Welcome! It’s the middle of the 2000s. A stuffy NO-classroom is filled with a large group of pubescent, tired youths in the eighth class. A bumbling teacher who isn’t really comfortable with the work assignments speaks… Read more »

11 Minutes

Hello! My name is Matilda Öhlin Knutsson and I study international relations at the University of St Andrews in Scotland. This is my first post as a recurring guest-blogger at RealStars. Now I want to have my say in the discussion about Fair Sex and trafficking and help spread the incredibly important RealStars campaign. The… Read more »

The Fair Sex campaign at the Museum of World Culture

Speaking of summer and holidays; most of us want to have a good time, relax and have a party☺ Speaking of summer. Sex of course has a place!… Fair Sex. At the same time, human sex trade continues. Thousands of people, mostly young become victims of sexual exploitation this summer. The awareness that this exists… Read more »

Go Slutwalk…

Apparently a police officer in Toronto claimed that after being raped women should avoid dressing like sluts to avoid being sexually assaulted. The victim is to blame. WRONG WRONG WRONG some responded with good reason. And points at a message in society “don’t get raped” rather than “Don’t rape.” The focus should be on not… Read more »

Reality can be heard in the silence

To have the possibility to help others and to write in this blog is wonderful. It warms my heart when I think of how people help others, to make change and to create a world where everyone lives safely and on equal terms. My name is Mimmi Larsson. I have never been part of something… Read more »

When and how can you talk about sex?

Sex arouses emotions, sex awakens thoughts and imaginations we don’t rashly share in conversation with others. We think before we discuss sexuality. We reflect on when it fits and how it is said. There is a still a great need to “talk about it” and sex gets our attention. Personal stories of unfair sex are… Read more »

Trafficking and Unfair sex is on everyone’s lips this week!

“Musikhjälpen” in Malmö with a fundraising marathon against trafficking, debate about EU-legislation on trafficking at Brännpunkt, and now girls on Twitter coming forward on seuality in a gey zone. Everything is revolving around “unfair sex”, or the oppsite of FAIR SEX. Musikhjälpen in Malmö – Artists and the wide public taking a stand against trafficking…. Read more »