Read the RealStar’s volunteer Cecilia Samuelssons thoughts about rights and prostitution. The issue of buying sex, the situation for people in prostitution and the development in countries such as Germany and The Netherlands since they legalized buying sex is a human right’s issue of highest importance. It is an issue of crimes against human’s rights,… Read more »
Regarding men who believe they have a right to sex
Read our volunteer Cecilias thoughts about men and prostitution. We must never allow the conversation on sex buying and prostitution to be dominated and defined by people who believe it’s a human (or men’s) right to have sex, and that this “right” is more important than to protect vulnerable people, to prevent exploitation and to… Read more »
Prostitution is often spoken about as if it were the first, actual profession. Something that was formed in ancient societies, perhaps on the streets of Mesopotamia. It is portrayed as a quick and easy exchange of money, the natural interplay between demand and supply. For what seems more natural than to sell what one already… Read more »
Myths about prostitution
From time to time, RealStars is invited to schools to hold presentations and lectures in order to inform and talk about Fair Sex. During these lectures we often receive questions regarding prostitution — sometimes about the myths surrounding ”sex work,” or about the right to ones own body. Kajsa Ekis Ekman has written an article… Read more »
Open letter to Alexander Bard regarding Hotel against trafficking
Dear Alexander Bard, I saw on Twitter that you had highlighted Realstars’ campaign against trafficking in the hotel sector. That made me very glad. I also saw that you didn’t understand what “sexual politics” had to do with hotel accommodation. That didn’t make me so glad, but I was not surprised, because many are not… Read more »
Zanna Tvilling from the Stockholm Police Prostitution Group about the work that can save lives
Zanna Tvilling, police assistant at the Stockholm Police Department, often comes in contact with victims and perpetrators in her work to prevent prostitution and trafficking. Here, she talks about the Prostitution Group’s four main objectives. Identify and arrest persons who buy sex We actively work using Swedish legislation against purchasing sexual favors to prosecute men… Read more »
The second KICK-OFF for volunteers this year
On Ascension Day last week a group of enthusiastic volunteers met for the second KICK-OFF of the year in Stockholm. This time Berns sponsored our meeting and provided us with a suite and refreshments. Berns, Stockholm, participates in Hotels Against Trafficking. There were lively discussions and intriguing questions debated. How can the city of Stockholm… Read more »
Five things everyone can do to stop human trafficking
The school tour in Västra Götaland steams on. The last few weeks we have visited Hulebäck’s High School in Härryda, Drottning Blankas High School in Falkenberg, Marks High School and several schools in Gothenburg. In all of them discussions have been intense and the questions many. For us, the participation of the students during the school… Read more »
How myths about prostitution affects work against sex trafficking
For centuries people have talked about prostitution being the world’s oldest profession. It is a myth that is still alive today even though we know that prostitution constitute a significant portion of modern slavery, and despite awareness of prostitution being part of the sex trade violating human rights. Our perceptions of prostitution are often formed… Read more »
Talk more!! <3 (on the subject)
Recent visits to Marks Gymnasieskola, Lindholmens Tekniska Gymnasium and Cybergymnasiet in Gothenburg have offered intensive discussions, a load of creativity and huge engagement. Those that say that the youth of today are not engaged in society’s questions should really join RealStars out in the schools so we can prove this isn’t the case! High school… Read more »