RealStars guestblogger Robert Schenck reviews the bok Prostitution Narratives, stories of the survival in the sex trade, where the reader gets to share in the valuable stories and experiences of the survivors of prostitution Author: Caroline Norma and Melinda Tankard Reist, editors Publisher: Spinifex Press, North Melbourne, Australia, 2016 Book review by Robert Schenck “…there… Read more »
The behaviours of Swedish purchasers of commercial sex acts outlined
Approximately 80 % of the commercial sex acts by Swedish men occurs in foreign countries. An undercover-report from the network Schyst Resande which include RealStars has revealed the behaviours and attitudes of the purchasers of commercial sex acts. The report also states how ordinary tourism is a contributing factor in normalisation of the commercial sex… Read more »
No, legalising the sex purchase industry is not best for people in prostitution
A global debate that most people have heard of is that of the legislation concerning the sex purchase industry and prostitution. Different countries have different legislations and on all sides there are debaters who are sure about being right. In Sweden we have, as most people are aware of, a legislation that criminalises the purchase,… Read more »
RealStars demands greater focus on sex-buyers in the EU´s work against trafficking.
RealStars is part of the EU’s platform for the civil community against human trafficking, where organisations from member states contribute and share their experiences and ideas. Last week we met in Brussels in order to plan more actions. RealStars attended and emphasised the sex buyers’ responsibility and the importance of working against demand in order… Read more »
Who is protecting the invisible women and girls?
A strong, captivating and informative lecture was given to the listeners when Realstars invited Anna Zobnina from European Network of Migrant Women to give a lecture at Clarion Hotel Post, one of the Fair Sex-hotels. Network of Migrant Women is a feminist network of grassroot-organizations that are active in 20 European countries with a vision… Read more »
Welcome to a workshop about digital media with an external communicator
Social media – for Fair Sex and against trafficking! RealStars are hosting a valuable workshop in digital marketing, for those of you who enjoy social media and are curious on how to use social media together with us in order to contribute to a better world. You will also get an introduction about the ways… Read more »
The Military Academy and Corps addressed prostitution and human trafficking together with RealStars
Human trafficking and prostitution are, unfortunately, a big part of crisis and conflict. Sadly these issues tend to end up being swept under the carpet. At the beginning of May RealStars and the Military Academy´s student corps had the opportunity to arrange an important, appreciated lecture entitled “Human trafficking in times of war”. Lecturers were… Read more »
A human right’s issue of the highest importance
Read the RealStar’s volunteer Cecilia Samuelssons thoughts about rights and prostitution. The issue of buying sex, the situation for people in prostitution and the development in countries such as Germany and The Netherlands since they legalized buying sex is a human right’s issue of highest importance. It is an issue of crimes against human’s rights,… Read more »
Regarding men who believe they have a right to sex
Read our volunteer Cecilias thoughts about men and prostitution. We must never allow the conversation on sex buying and prostitution to be dominated and defined by people who believe it’s a human (or men’s) right to have sex, and that this “right” is more important than to protect vulnerable people, to prevent exploitation and to… Read more »
Prostitution is often spoken about as if it were the first, actual profession. Something that was formed in ancient societies, perhaps on the streets of Mesopotamia. It is portrayed as a quick and easy exchange of money, the natural interplay between demand and supply. For what seems more natural than to sell what one already… Read more »