As you may know, Realstars is working on many issues of the society. We are collectively working for a socially sustainable society and base much of our work on the UNRC (United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child) and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Now we are inviting, together with Center för… Read more »
Fair Sex
Questions to the Rescue Mission
The Gothenburg Rescue Mission aim is to recognize and counter the social conditions that lead to and exacerbate vulnerability and exclusion. They work on a broad basis with the vision that “every person has the right to a dignified life.” We asked a few questions to the Rescue Mission and here are the answers. You… Read more »
Real Stars visit even more dedicated, intuitive students at Jensen North
On february 5th RealStars visited the Jensen North high school, where we got to meet two groups of students that made a stand – in a creative way – against trafficking. During the visit the student were asked “Are there examples of unfair sex?”. On the first visit one student responded that strip clubs is… Read more »
Grillska skolan engaged in counteraction against trafficking
In the beginning of February there were two visits at Grillska Skolan and the students in the two English classes that we met got an extra challenge whilst trying to discuss and answer the questions in English. On our first visit with the high school juniors we had an engaging and inspiring discussion. We discussed… Read more »
Real Stars Launches Fiction Writing Competition – Great Prizes to Win!
Enter RealStars’ fiction writing competition for young people – a unique opportunity to write about one of important life’s important issues: Fair Sex – everyone’s right to sex on equal terms. And you can win fantastic prizes. The theme for the competition is RealStars’ message: Fair Sex – Against Trafficking. Be inspired by ‘Travel and… Read more »
When people say that women choose this life, I feel an urge to laugh. Do they know how many women like me that have tried to escape, but have been beaten senseless when they’re caught? TO THE MEN THAT BUY US, we are nothing more then meat. To everyone else in society, we simply do… Read more »
Do you believe ‘the happy hore’ is real?
Join us for one of our school visits with our process leaders. During the visit at Sigtuna Folkhögskola the fourth week of January this question was posed by a student: ‘What is interesting is that every time I talk to guys about this question they reply in a completely different way than us girls. I… Read more »
The Swedish Sex Purchase Act: what are the benefits? And is there a connection between the porn industry and human trafficking?
During the third week of January Realstars visited a number of high schools in the Stockholm area: Kunskapsgymnasiet in the Ericsson Globe and Fredrika Bremergymnaiserna in Haninge. We discussed many different and interesting subjects, in particular the Swedish Sex Purchase Act which was introduced in 1999. This act implies that a person who purchases sexual… Read more »
Kolab doesn’t know who her real parents are. She was allowed to go to school until year five, but horrible conditions caused a situation that forced her into selling drugs and sex at a karaoke bar. Kolab is born in 1991 and grew up on a farm in Cambodia. On the farm, she was treated… Read more »
Porn, prostitution and trafficking
Pornography is being consumed by younger and younger people and has more aggressive content today than previously. England has responded with a new law. RealStars considers pornography’s link to prostitution and trafficking. People don’t speak about pornography, but you see it as soon as you turn on the computer. Pornography today is different to the… Read more »