“A Raglady is a woman who hysterically runs into the closet and puts on whatever she finds there and runs out again…” /Caisa, proprietor of Raglady by Tara Raglady by Tara – a store based in Gothenburg, sells designed and fantastic brand-name clothes – now stands behind the Fair Sex-campaign to stop the sex trafficking… Read more »
Posts By: Realstars
Fashion that cares
Ethics and fashion seems to be constantly topical and a part of CSR. No to Child labor, yes to good work conditions, clothes without dangerous chemicals and wages you can live off – Sustainable fashion is hopefully something everyone wants! Now and then the media shows us how it really looks. The companies reply is… Read more »
Elle – den typiskt vackert franska skildringen av något som inte är vackert
We are all humans
Reading Sunday DN* is an almost religious experience for me. A cup of tea, my favourite bread and a newspaper hot off the presses filled with articles. A little bubble of cosiness envelops me and takes me through what is otherwise the most boring day of the week. But it so happened that this Sunday… Read more »
Caroline Engvall: Human trafficking affects our own youths.
Close your eyes and think about human trafficking. I know exactly what you’re thinking. The victim is a woman. Probably from a Baltic country or perhaps from Romania. Force to be here, cheated, locked up. Clearly a so-called victim of trafficking. Right? But the fact is that the picture is much broader than that –… Read more »
Fair sex vs. Real love
Fair Sex is a concept that is incredibly important to me. It is also important to me that it should appear that fair sex is different for everyone and that as long as you, yourself, are comfortable with your own definition nobody else could say that it is wrong. Now that I’m studying abroad, I… Read more »
The Body Shop against human trafficking of children and young people
In June 2010, The Body Shop started their biggest campaign so far. In cooperation with ECPAT, the campaign “Stop sex trafficking of children and young people” was started as a petition, and means of making the government realise the seriousness of sex trafficking of children and young people. They demand that the government: 1. Take… Read more »
High School students are guest blogging: ”Every individual should have the right to be free”
What I’d like to say about trafficking, sex trafficking that is, is that it is illegal in most of the European countries which I find incredibly good. Outside of Europe, other countries are also making progress. In Sout Africa, for example, a number of cases of trafficking have recently led to prosecutions. A conviction was… Read more »
Interview with Maia Strufve from KAST ( eng. Purchasers of Sexual Services)
offences in Gothenburg, RealStars has interviewed various players who, in different ways, work to reduce and stop prostitution. During 2011, in Gothenburg alone, 225 men were convicted under the Sex Purchase Act. Many of those who committed crimes were arrested around Rosenlund where the women who are now standing as witnesses against their former traffickers… Read more »
“When it comes to money – women and children are still considered as goods.”
During last Tuesday RealStars were present at an inspiring breakfast lecture with Amelia Adamo, a journalist and entrepreneur, which was arranged by the Chalmers (the University of Gothenburg) and Connect Väst. We asked this Swedish newspaper queen Three Questions and she conveyed great experience through her answers. What makes you happy? The feeling of selling… Read more »