Posts By: Realstars

Israel got a new sex-purchase act in July, and introduced the “Nordic Model”

In July, after eighteen months of preparations, a sex purchase act has now been introduced in Israel. The legislation is described as a landmark with the hope of changing the lives of thousands of women and vulnerable groups in the country. Knesset accepted the proposal for a law that penalized purchases of sexual acts in… Read more »

RealStars’ first decade

Ten years, time flies. A glance back in time shows a large spectrum of efforts for Fair Sex and against trafficking. Thousands of people have gotten involved despite being a small organisation that is mainly project funded, which works as a catalyst through others and within networks for a more powerful impact. In the beginning… Read more »

Three men are letting a plate of pasta rot, in order to collect money to RealStars

The sex purchase by Paolo Roberto has led to the media and private individuals giving attention to prostitution and trafficking. Three friends discussed what had happened during a dinner and felt that they wanted to make a difference. – More men must dare to take a stand, says Sebastian Höglund, one of the men behind… Read more »

Are you familiar with these myths about prostitution and sex purchases?

When discussing sex purchases and the Swedish Sex Purchases Act, arguments are often mentioned which are based on myths. Below we list and deal with six myths that are used to justify sex purchases. “Selling sex is like any other job” Describing prostitution as “sex work” is to conceal the real suffering and violations that… Read more »

Press announcement: The sex buyer’s crimes worsen during the pandemic, and vulnerability increases

Despite the fact that we find ourselves in a pandemic with restrictions and social distancing, men are still wanting to purchase sex. Sex purchasing in hotels have become more difficult, which creates an increased concern for the vulnerability amongst workers on Thai massage parlors and for women and children on the internet. RealStars and the… Read more »

New laws regarding sexual exploitation of children

On May 1st, new laws came into force. The time for rape and genital mutilation against children was abolished and the minimum penalty for serious child pornography crimes increased. The amendments to the law mean that it is possible to report a rape or a female genital mutilation to a child, regardless of when the… Read more »

How are women in prostitution and pornography affected by covid-19?

The corona virus affects everyone. However, some are more vulnerable than others. The recommendations directed at women in prostitution highlight a lack of knowledge about their reality and the rising demand for pornography can have terrible consequences. The European Network of Migrant Women has written an article on how migrant women are affected by the… Read more »

Three questions for Kristin Kaspersen

Kristin Kaspersen has led some of Sweden’s most popular television shows throughout the years. Since 2013 she has released four books about health and wellbeing, a matter in which she also holds lectures and that is prominent on her Instagram account. Now, she has answered RealStars’ three questions. 1. What makes you happy? – To… Read more »