
Social innovation – SOCAP11

It was one of those conferences which just felt like WOW, in tune with the times. Social Innovation! Stock Market Crash, EU-crisis and I find myself in San Francisco at SOCAP11 in early September – a new movement starts to take shape! The theme is Impact Investing or as SOCAP themselves describe it – combining… Read more »

How much are we worth?

I have some time off this week before I go back to school in Scotland, so I try to spend a lot of time with my family. I have 6 younger siblings. I miss them constantly when I am away and now when I am about to leave I think about how much I value… Read more »

Nothing’s made up – this is reality

Rasmus Andersson talks about something which changed his view on trafficking. He’s studying social science. Yesterday I saw one of the ubiquitous crime shows on TV. I was tired but not tired enough to fall asleep. So I was half-asleep and listened a bit to the show. After a while I was wide-awake. It was… Read more »

Trafficking – an increasing danger

Carl Magnus Magnusson, a social science student in Malmö, makes a new comment regarding trafficking. I am very interested in history, mostly because it is through history that we can see our mistakes and improve as human beings. Our decicions today are shaped according to how we acted in the past. We have made everyday… Read more »

A conversation with Patrik Cederlöf, national co-ordinator against trafficking in Sweden

We have spoken to Patrik Cederlöf at the County Administrative Board in Stockholm, the authority which co-ordinates the work against human trafficking and prostitution between authorities and nonprofit organizations in Sweden. What is your assignment? ”We have received the mandate for coordination and it is now clear that we have been given renewed trust until… Read more »

Compassion as balance for rationality – three questions for Sasja Beslik

Three questions moves forth to Sasja Beslik, chief of responsible investments at Nordea, formerly from Banco Funds. Recently he received an important award from Young Global Leader 2011 from World Economic Forum, which makes it even more interesting to ask him questions regarding ethics and Fair Sex. Today’s post differs from the earlier ones. Sasja… Read more »

A new government initiative regarding ethics and sex trade

The public agencies should increase its knowledge to handle and prevent the purchase of Sexual Services. The government has invested ten million Swedish crowns not only to prevent but also to increase knowledge of purchase of sexual services and consumption of pornography during government work. We have spoken to Krus (Kompetensrådet för utveckling i staten)… Read more »

News from RealStars

Yes, we are actively working to inspire more people to join us to create a society free from sex trafficking. We are planning a school project and I have contacted the Swedish National Board for Youth Affairs (Ungdomsstyrelsen). I received many questions. I said that we are a nonprofit organization (RealStars) and that many wonderful… Read more »

When and how can you talk about sex?

Sex arouses emotions, sex awakens thoughts and imaginations we don’t rashly share in conversation with others. We think before we discuss sexuality. We reflect on when it fits and how it is said. There is a still a great need to “talk about it” and sex gets our attention. Personal stories of unfair sex are… Read more »