Posts Categorized: Sexhandel och trafficking i Europa

RealStars have read the latest report on prostitution in Sweden

Länsstyrelsen in Stockholm recently released the report Prostitution in Sweden 2014 – A mapping of magnitude. We have read it and can once again conclude that prostitution and human trafficking are closely linked issues. More active and preventing work that works against sex purchases is also needed. The knowledge gaps that are highlighted in the… Read more »

RealStars attended human trafficking conference

On March 23-24 Realstars participated in a human trafficking conference arranged by the Stockholm Provincial Office. The initiative gave rise to many interesting discussions involving both civil society organisations as well as decision-makers. Overall, it is clear that it will take comprehensive collaboration on multiple levels, especially between organisations and authorities, in order to give… Read more »

Ensuring Victims of Human Trafficking Get the Support They Deserve

Human trafficking, including trafficking for sexual purposes, continues to grow and countering this threat requires the attention of all relevant government agencies to ensure that the victims are protected and receive the support and care they deserve. This blog post is a summary reflection, by one of our dedicated volunteers Samuel Maher, around the main… Read more »

We are now launching the film My First Time

Of course, RealStars wants to note that tomorrow is International Woman’s day. This is a day to highlight the oppression and discrimination against women and girls that still exist around the world. On the 8th of March 2015 we want to pay attention to the sexual slavery that millions of women and girls are subjected… Read more »

“How come men buy women?”

We have visited Hvitfeldtska gymnasiet in Gothenburg three times the past week. Along with 90, 18-yearolds we have discussed some of our time’s biggest problems; Human slavery, sex-trade and the growing prostitution in Europe. At one occasion we discussed a lot about laws, what actually happens when a trafficker cons and forces women and children… Read more »

Call for action: End the proposition of Rom’s Red Light District

At this moment a proposition is being discussed, about a “Red Light Zone” in Rome, with the purpose to legalize prostitution and fine the prostitutes for sex-trades happening outside of the zone. Help us stop this bill by signing the petition that you can find here! In Mars 2014 senator Maria Spilabotte, with the support of… Read more »

The visions of the European Council during coming years of work – after the Millennium Development Goals

By entering the year of 2015, we also entered the year in which the UN’s MDGs are supposed to be completed. The MDGs were set in the year of 2000, during a meeting where the world leaders participated. The aim of the goals was to direct attention to people in need in different parts of… Read more »

SPACE International – an organisation established for and by survivors of prostitution

SPACE International (Survivors of Prostitution-Abuse Calling for Enlightenment) was founded by a group of sex trafficking survivors. They are now working to end global human trafficking once and for all. The goal of the organisation is to inform the public about the violence and abuse that always come with prostitution, but also to advocate to governments… Read more »

Lithuania approves resolution that criminalises sex purchase

December 16 2014, the Lithuanian parliament approved a resolution that paves the way for a total criminalisation of sex purchase. This is extremely happy news and will most likely have profound impact on the fight against trafficking and human rights abuse. It is not the first time this resolution has been discussed in the parliament…. Read more »