Posts By: Realstars

The Swedish model

When it comes to adopting a Sex Trade Law, Sweden is ahead. When the Swedish law was coined in 1999, it was the first in Europe to criminalize the sex buyer. The Swedish model is considered an example in many countries. Recently, the Danish government rejected such a law, but other countries are interested in… Read more »

Silent witnesses have a responsibility

Last Sunday was the UN national day for UN’s International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. With the subject already on the agenda, we take the opportunity to submit this post that writer Bengt Alvång made on Göteborgs-Posten’s letters to the editor three years ago. For every abused child, there is an adult… Read more »

Brussels – is this where we should be?

RealStars in Brussels! Yep, it is time to take a step out into Europe and spread the message of Fair Sex through meetings with politicians, lobbyists and other organizations (non-profit). Me and Vanessa Corneliusson were at location. We started with meeting the Swedish Members of the European Parliament and afterwards, we visited the EU Commission,… Read more »

– Media is a vast source for information and concepts about sex and sexuality

Saga Alm Mårtensson has studied for the Master’s Degree in sexology at Malmö Högskola and a basic psychotherapy course in cognitive behavioral therapy at Karlstads Universitet. Right now she works as a curator at a health center. We asked her about media’s role in discussions about sexuality and the messages media transmits regarding sexuality. How… Read more »

Call girl

In February, we wrote about the movie Call girl which then was under production. Now it has finally been released to theaters in the country. The weekend is closing in and November is in fact one of the best movie months of the year. Hot tip, see it! Here is the movie trailer: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Take… Read more »

An important contribution to the prostitution debate

The year is 2010. There is a fiery debate in Sweden about the being or not being of prostitution. In the middle of the chaotic discussions, Kajsa Ekis Ekman publishes her debut book “Varat och varan: Prostitution, surrogatmödraskap och den delade människan”. “Varat och varan” is important in many aspects. It’s a debate book which… Read more »

Hamburg – city of sin

Hamburg is the second largest city in Germany. With its almost two million people, the city is the center of media, finance and gastronomy in Germany. Most of the big newspapers are based here, such as Die Spiegel, Die Zeit and Die Welt. But this is only one side of Hamburg, the light side. Hamburg’s… Read more »

Family freed of charges in Swedish trafficking case

A couple charged with trafficking in persons in Gothenburg, Sweden, was recently freed of all charges. The husband of the family had travelled to Serbia, visiting acquaintances, and brought with him back to Sweden a 14-year-old girl from a poor family, to marry his adult son. The girl supposedly agreed to this and her father… Read more »