För att skapa långsiktig förändring och våga ta i frågor som känns långt ner i själen, då krävs det mod och engagemang. Vi ser att mod och engagemang finns på många platser runt om i landet men framförallt på våra gymnasieskolor som nu är i full fart att påbörja processen att bilda Fair Sex -skolor…. Read more »
Zanna Tvilling from the Stockholm Police Prostitution Group about the work that can save lives
Zanna Tvilling, police assistant at the Stockholm Police Department, often comes in contact with victims and perpetrators in her work to prevent prostitution and trafficking. Here, she talks about the Prostitution Group’s four main objectives. Identify and arrest persons who buy sex We actively work using Swedish legislation against purchasing sexual favors to prosecute men… Read more »
The second KICK-OFF for volunteers this year
On Ascension Day last week a group of enthusiastic volunteers met for the second KICK-OFF of the year in Stockholm. This time Berns sponsored our meeting and provided us with a suite and refreshments. Berns, Stockholm, participates in Hotels Against Trafficking. There were lively discussions and intriguing questions debated. How can the city of Stockholm… Read more »
RealStars collaborates with cafés, restaurants and shops in Stockholm
RealStars has recently initiated multiple collaborations with movements in Stockholm, and they are constantly evolving. The collaborations constitute financial support for RealStars’ work, but first and foremost a chance to bring the problematic nature of trafficking to light and give more people the opportunity to take a stand for Fair Sex. At Ecoist Butik och… Read more »
Competence Day for Hotel and Tourism Industry – how we can counteract prostitution and trafficking
In mid April, close to 40 representatives for the hotel and tourism industry gathered at Clarion Hotel Post, to jointly strengthen the work to make sex purchase and trafficking difficult to pursue in the industry. Prostitution occurs in different arenas, and hotels are one of them. RealStars is seeing the work progressing, and the campaign… Read more »
A great kick-off for RS volunteers
Project leader Alexandra Davidsson held the first kick-off for new volunteers in Stockholm on Friday 8th April. – It was really rewarding, and particularly fun was also that Clarion Hotel Sign supported us with a fantastic conference venue and a yummy fika, Alexandra says. The Kick-off is part of Realstars’ new efforts on volunteering and… Read more »
Tons of thoughts and reflections when RealStars visit schools
“I’m angry that this is the way it is. That people think that just because they have money, they have the right to buy another person’s body. It’s not ok.” This is a common comment speakers at RealStars get when we give seminars on human trafficking, and its opposite – Fair Sex, in schools. We… Read more »
More collaboration in Gothenburg
Since November 2015 RealStars has started several collaborations with businesses in Gothenburg and more is on the way. The partnerships is an economic aid for RealStars’ work but, above all, a chance to highlight the problem of trafficking and give more people the opportunity to take a stand for Fair Sex. Check out the shoe… Read more »
Youth, Internet and Fair Sex – do you want to join our focus group?
Anti-trafficking organization RealStars has in recent years visited hundreds of schools to engage young people in our work, and strengthen the values of Fair Sex and against trafficking. We think sex should be on equal terms, without violence or force, in all situations and for all individuals. The opposite of Fair Sex is prostitution and… Read more »
Report from our work with Fair Sex Schools, lectures and works that make a difference
Realstars are now in the start-up phase of our new project to develop Fair Sex-schools. We are now taking the Fair Sex questions a step further and will cooperate with the first pilot schools create processes for a more sustainable and deepened work on norms and approaches for Fair Sex. Again the online game, Fair… Read more »