Would you like to help improve working conditions for employees in an industry at risk of sexual exploitation?

Would you like to help improve working conditions for employees in an industry at risk of sexual exploitation? As part of our work against sexual exploitation, RealStars has been visiting Thai massage parlors since 2019. Our goal is to contribute to an improved working environment, elevate the status of Thai massages, provide support, and inspire… Read more »

Realstars are finally visiting Thai massage salons

Realstars has since several years worked to counteract sexual exploitation in Thai massage salons. As early as 2019 we wrote in a debate article, demanding a retake, but sadly the situation today is not looking any better. In pace with Thai massage salons in Sweden increasing in numbers, more and more Thai woman are falling… Read more »

Conference: How Can Digital Brothels Be Stopped?

  Child10, RealStars, Unizon, ROKS, and the County Administrative Boards of Norrbotten, Västerbotten, and Västernorrland invite you to a full-day event on May 26th, addressing the issue of modern-day digital brothels.  You can read more and sign up for the event here. Today, prostitution, human trafficking, and the exploitation of children and women are just… Read more »

Realstars welcome the new EU-strategy against human trafficking

Realstars welcome the new EU-strategy against human trafficking – but we are expecting a bigger change that is also connected to sex buying crimes that still lie outside the EU-strategy and directive. Trafficking is today a widely spread problem that affects woman and girls disproportionately. Since the directive came in 2011, EU keeps a more… Read more »

Sex-buyers benefit from the pandemic – Hotels are just one of the arenas affected.

The pandemic has exposed many flaws in Sweden’s efforts to combat prostitution and human trafficking, and today the vulnerability is significant across various arenas. The police are making efforts, which are welcomed, but serious sex crimes have been unprioritized due to “most events, like concerts, being canceled,” as explained by Police Inspector Tobias Norelius in… Read more »