Introduce more information on trafficking, sex and norms in schools says students at Nacka Upper Secondary School

Fair sex nakcagymnasietLast week RealStars visited a senior class at the Nacka upper secondary school in Stockholm to lecture on trafficking and to host a workshop where students were invited to reflect and participate in the advocacy work for Fair Sex – on equal terms. The class was separated into smaller groups, which during four minutes had to answer questions on how we as individuals and the society can act to approach the problem of sexual abuse and trafficking. After the four minutes, the questions circulated so that everyone got the chance to reflect on the same issues.

All groups came to the consensus that there is a need for more knowledge and that the school has a big responsibility to raise these issues in class. One student told how they have received large amounts of information on the risks of alcohol and tobacco but never had the opportunity to discuss sex, abuse and gender norms in class.

The students were also frustrated that they have received so little information on trafficking at school.
– Before you came here, I had never thought about these issues and barely knew they existed and now I see things from a completely different perspective, said one student when I asked if there was anything they thought about during the last hour and wanted to address.

Excerpts from the workshop at Nacka Upper Secondary School

Why do mostly men purchase sexual services and women sell?
• Societal structures depict women as objects and men as subjects. The representation of men and women enables the sex trade.
• Too little sex education in schools, more hours on the subject needs to be introduced and at younger ages.
• The demand comes from men – the supply from women.

How can we become more critical and see through stereotypical norms of female/male portrayed in TV-games, films and advertising?
• Actively work against the objectification of women.
• Introduce legislation that examines TV-games, advertising and films. These should not glorify violence against women, etc.
• Start with the children. Better education on gender and norms from an early age. How children are raised at home and in pre-school have to change. Children should not be given gender roles
• Introduce a global value-system; it is difficult to address the problem when different countries have different rules.

How can we make our school more fair sex?
• Teach everyone that a no is always a no unless someone explicitly says yes. Sex should be between two people and not just for one.
• More knowledge. More professional lectures as this one. Address the backside and problems with sex in education. More sex education in schools and do not divide education based on gender.
• Information on how one can take a stand.
• Promote organisations at schools.
• Actively work to eliminate offensive curse words.
• More information on trafficking. It should be mandatory within a subject and should be included in the gnostic criteria.
• Arrange seminars.

You can read more about RealStars collaborations with schools here