Posts Categorized: Sexhandel och trafficking i världen

Debate article in Dagens Arena: Open letter to the Government of Sweden from the world’s abolitionist women’s organizations

On March 29-30, Sweden, as the EU’s presiding country, gathers European ministers, delegates, and experts in Stockholm for a two-day conference on human trafficking. We, women’s organizations from various countries, welcome the Swedish government’s pledge to intensify the work of preventing and combating prostitution and human trafficking within and beyond Sweden’s borders. Human trafficking is… Read more »

RealStars launches Happy Ending – A new campaign aimed at combating paid sexual abuse

The campaign website for Happy Ending is now live. A glance at the website gives those seeking to purchase sexual exploitation something to reflect on, as it reclaims the original meaning of the term. RealStars’ goal is to engage a wide audience in working toward a zero-tolerance vision, where no one is subjected to sexual… Read more »

Israel got a new sex-purchase act in July, and introduced the “Nordic Model”

In July, after eighteen months of preparations, a sex purchase act has now been introduced in Israel. The legislation is described as a landmark with the hope of changing the lives of thousands of women and vulnerable groups in the country. Knesset accepted the proposal for a law that penalized purchases of sexual acts in… Read more »

Realstars Exchange knowledge and Inspiration in The United States of America on An Anti-Sex Trafficking Conference

Realstars regularly visits Brussel and other countries to talk about fair-sex and promote the Swedish sex-buying law. In September, we visited Chicago and took the opportunity to go to an important conference the 15:th International Human Trafficking & Social Justice Conference at The Toledo university. Under the latest couple of years, Illinois is the only… Read more »