Sexhandel och trafficking i Europa

Sweden and France in cooperation against demand

The impact of France latching on to Sweden’s proposal to pursue an international joint diplomacy against human trafficking for sexual exploitation and prostitution can’t be overestimated. “There are many benefits”. That is what Per-Anders Sunesson, Sweden’s former ambassador against human trafficking between 2016 and 2021, also a board member in Realstars Sweden, is saying. In… Read more »

Realstars Sweden’s annual meeting 2021 – Welcome to the new board members!

The 27th of May, Realstars national board held an annual meeting for the financial year of 2020. We looked back on a different but still very eventful year! In 2020 and 2021 there was in many ways a breakthrough and momentum in the work against sexual exploitation in Sweden, where Realstars have been a driven… Read more »

New OSCE Report Focuses on Demand as a Root Cause of Sexual Exploitation

In June 2021, the OSCE released the important report Discouraging the Demand that Fosters Trafficking for the Purpose of Sexual Exploitation. Unlike similar reports from intergovernmental organizations, this report places a stronger emphasis on demand as a root cause of sexual exploitation. Notably, RealStars’ campaign For Fair Sex is highlighted in the section on Sweden…. Read more »

Conference: How Can Digital Brothels Be Stopped?

  Child10, RealStars, Unizon, ROKS, and the County Administrative Boards of Norrbotten, Västerbotten, and Västernorrland invite you to a full-day event on May 26th, addressing the issue of modern-day digital brothels.  You can read more and sign up for the event here. Today, prostitution, human trafficking, and the exploitation of children and women are just… Read more »

New report on the human trafficking industries giant costs and suffering within the EU

New report on the human trafficking industries giant costs and suffering within the EU  All of those working against prostitution and trafficking are faced with a reality that is difficult to comprehend. Due to trauma and injuries, the process back to a normal life without exploitation is often long. A question asked by many is… Read more »

RealStars’ first decade

Ten years, time flies. A glance back in time shows a large spectrum of efforts for Fair Sex and against trafficking. Thousands of people have gotten involved despite being a small organisation that is mainly project funded, which works as a catalyst through others and within networks for a more powerful impact. In the beginning… Read more »

Three men are letting a plate of pasta rot, in order to collect money to RealStars

The sex purchase by Paolo Roberto has led to the media and private individuals giving attention to prostitution and trafficking. Three friends discussed what had happened during a dinner and felt that they wanted to make a difference. – More men must dare to take a stand, says Sebastian Höglund, one of the men behind… Read more »

Are you familiar with these myths about prostitution and sex purchases?

When discussing sex purchases and the Swedish Sex Purchases Act, arguments are often mentioned which are based on myths. Below we list and deal with six myths that are used to justify sex purchases. “Selling sex is like any other job” Describing prostitution as “sex work” is to conceal the real suffering and violations that… Read more »