Sexhandel och trafficking i Europa

Book Fair 2024 – Every Name Counts

RealStars once again participated in the Book Fair. It was an experience filled with engagement and important conversations. This year, we focused on spreading specific knowledge about the Gothenburg police’s inaction regarding the high-profile Swish list containing 229 names of potential sex buyers linked to a pimping case from last summer. Every name counts. At… Read more »

The EU Parliament resolution recognizes prostitution as a form of violence and commends the Nordic Model for its approach

In September, the European Parliament adopted a resolution recognizing prostitution as a form of violence against women and other vulnerable groups—a form of violence that cannot be effectively addressed as long as procuring and buying sex remain legal. The resolution encourages member states to follow the example of countries like Sweden and France by criminalizing… Read more »

Spain Holds EU Presidency and Focuses on Digital Dimension in Brussels

In the beginning of November, it was time for the EU’s autumn conference and meetings for civil society organizations and national rapporteurs in Brussels. The Commission and the EU Anti-Trafficking Coordinator hosted the events, but the country holding the presidency left its mark. This term, the presidency was held by Spain, a country that in… Read more »

No Convictions for Human Trafficking in 2022 – Human Trafficking Units Disbanded

In recent years, the police have been forced to allocate increasing resources to combat gang crime, which has led to a deprioritization of efforts against human trafficking for sexual exploitation. Human trafficking units have been disbanded, while the number of prosecutions and convictions has reached record low levels. Human Trafficking Units Disbanded In an article… Read more »

RealStars mobilizes against exploitation on the EU’s Anti-Trafficking Day

From the top left: The staff at Clarion Hotel Post, informational material on the tables at Clarion Hotel Amaranten, Camilla Hannen, front desk manager at H. Lorensberg, RealStars Stockholm process leader Malin Säflund at the information desk at Clarion Hotel Amaranten. On the bottom row: Jennie Wennberg, front desk manager at Q.H. Waterfront, materials at… Read more »

EU negotiates: high time to address online brothels

In 2023, the EU faces a crossroads with a chance to strengthen its work against trafficking. Europe remains divided on views of prostitution, and many stakeholders aim to influence the EU’s anti-trafficking efforts, as these two harmful phenomena are closely interconnected. The shared tool is the EU’s 2011 anti-trafficking directive, which introduced a holistic approach… Read more »

International Conference Against Demand in Stockholm

As part of Sweden’s presidency in the EU, a two-day conference on human trafficking was held on March 29-30, focusing on addressing the demand that drives exploitation. The conference brought together European ministers, delegates, experts from civil society, representatives from international organizations, and survivors to discuss models that can be used to prevent human trafficking… Read more »

Debate article in Dagens Arena: Open letter to the Government of Sweden from the world’s abolitionist women’s organizations

On March 29-30, Sweden, as the EU’s presiding country, gathers European ministers, delegates, and experts in Stockholm for a two-day conference on human trafficking. We, women’s organizations from various countries, welcome the Swedish government’s pledge to intensify the work of preventing and combating prostitution and human trafficking within and beyond Sweden’s borders. Human trafficking is… Read more »

EU Directive Revisions Insufficient to Meet Goals

The EU’s 2011 Anti-Trafficking Directive1 has been instrumental in preventing and addressing human trafficking across Europe. Following an evaluation, the European Commission proposed on December 19, 2022, a strengthening of these regulations, aiming to equip law enforcement and judicial bodies with enhanced tools to investigate and prosecute emerging forms of exploitation. The Commission’s proposal includes,… Read more »

RealStars launches Happy Ending – A new campaign aimed at combating paid sexual abuse

The campaign website for Happy Ending is now live. A glance at the website gives those seeking to purchase sexual exploitation something to reflect on, as it reclaims the original meaning of the term. RealStars’ goal is to engage a wide audience in working toward a zero-tolerance vision, where no one is subjected to sexual… Read more »