The soul is not for sale…

Traffickers sell flesh for money,
they deal in pain,
their product is slavery,
their greed betrays them.

They try but can never hide,
we see them in dark corners,
we know them by their deeds,
they do not shine but flicker only in the consuming darkness

Their blood soaked fingers smear their lips with crimson,
depthless guilt haunts them forever,
ambassadors of hopeless death,
smiling with deceit and speaking empty words.

Cruel and brutal they are as they enslave our young,
profiting from their agony and repressed suffering,
they feed the sick, the depraved and the sexual predators,
those who cling to them like parasites to beautiful life.

Like rocks in the sea of humanity, they are sinking ever lower,
losing themselves as they build their own prisons,
they can never trap our souls which forever remains free,
and that is their fate and their very undoing.

Réal Laplaine for RealStars