#wedontbuyit, new legislation in Northern Ireland and End Demand Now in Scotland

Things are changing on the British Islands. The #wedontbuyit campaign in Ireland and Northern Ireland, new sex purchase legislation and, only yesterday, a new anti-prostitution campaign in Scotland.

A campaign by the name #wedontbuyit  has been growing strong in the British Islands during the spring. With slogans such as “Prostitution we don’t buy it” and “most men never buy sex” the campaign, which mainly is aimed at boys and men, has had great impact. In fact, most Irish men have never paid for sex and claims that they wouldn’t, according to a survey. Despite this, the campaign creators mean that these men can play an important role in the fight against trafficking and prostitution by having the courage to discuss these subjects with friends and acquaintances to dispel ideas and myths. [1]

Promoters of the campaign have also encouraged guys to talk about the dehumanization of the women that are forced into prostitution. “Dehumanization is occurring when one is aware that something one is doing is wrong. If you pay for sex, you are not paying for consent. You are paying for a woman that temporarily gives up her right to say no.”

In the British Islands, a step in the right direction has been taken. On the first of June, the new legislation against sex purchases took effect in Northern Ireland. The legislation, which is inspired by the Nordic model, makes it illegal to buy sex but legal to sell. Those who buy sex can now be sentenced to one year in prison or a fine. The purpose of the law is to reduce the demand for sexual services, according the Nordic model. [2] It is very pleasing that more countries are joining the Nordic model, which punish the buyer instead of the seller. This model prevents sex purchases by clearly showing the values that a community that protect everyone’s rights should build on.

Today, abolitionist groups in Scotland launched a campaign by the name End Demand Now. After the progress of Northern Ireland, these groups are hoping that Scotland will be the next in line of the British Islands. [3]

[1] https://www.irishtimes.com/news/ireland/irish-news/new-campaign-urges-irish-men-to-take-stand-against-sex-trafficking-1.2185276

[2] https://www.reuters.com/article/2015/06/01/us-nireland-women-prostitution-idUSKBN0OH2RR20150601

[3] https://www.thenational.scot/news/campaign-launches-to-bring-end-to-prostitution.3835