We are fine the way we are…

RealStars has asked plenty of people what they think is important in life. Most think family and friends, love, respect and acceptance of who you are is at the top. I think most people in our society would have said the same thing. When it all comes around, we are all the same.
Beauty ideals and fashion dictation
Today’s society however, mirrors a different image of what we seem to think is important in life. It’s not about seeing people for who they are or what they are good at. Instead the focus is on appearance. How you are dressed, how much money you make and where you live, etc. Outward appearance seems to become more and more important to us. Is this the truth or is media goading us into believing this is important?
It’s all about obeying things like beauty ideals and fashion dictations. Being accepted for who you really are seems to be far away. I think the reason for this is that more people have started using botox in their quest for the “perfect image”. People seems to use it even though they perhaps don’t need it and have no wrinkles they want to hide.
Botox on an 8 year old
In USA a mother injected her 8 year old daughter with botox. The daughter said she wanted it, but can an 8 year old really decide what she wants or not? Who has a problem, the mother or the daughter? The botox fad seems to never end, it’s only getting more popular. It’s the same thing with young girls who start dieting. I think everyone between the ages 14-25 knows someone who is on a diet or have had an eating disorder. It is this common, this is our reality.
Calling one of my best friends
When I’m having a bad day and frankly feel like shit, I call and talk to one of my best friends. That’s the best medication that I can use, a good friend who knows me well and who loves me for who I am. I always ease down by talking for hours or crying a little. But it always ends in the same way. I don’t know how many times I have heard the words, “you are fine the way you are!”. It is true, everyone knows it. We are fine as we are and no one should make us feel bad. There is no one like you in the whole world, we are all unique. Instead of our society which focuses on shallow things like clothes, botox, money etc. we should put focus on our uniqueness. No one has the right to make you feel bad. You are not wrong if that happens, the person who says so is!
The fashion world is starting to gain more influence and many young people look up to the people in that business. Appearance matters, but not in a healthy way. It’s getting out of hand. Where have all the healthy and “normal” role models gone? Do we really want Heidi Montag and Kissie to be our role models?
Always themselves
Two people I think you should look up to instead is Katrin Zytormierska and Frida Fahrman two famous people in the fashion and blog world. These two are always themselves and live their lives like any other person. Sure, they have their bad days when they write about things they are unpleased with. But they do as a normal person does, go to the gym and feel better afterwards. At Katrin’s blog you could read about the time after her pregnancy when she wanted to get back to her regular weight. She hasn’t had operations, she has gone to the gym and hired a personal trainer. To feel good we need to see that “celebrities” are just like us, they have bad hair days, visit the gym, treat themselves to good food and chips and don’t have cosmetic surgery done or botox to look good and “feel good”. What they write on their blogs are either things anyone can relate to or various tips. They don’t focus on their bodies so others feel like failures. I really think these two people show us that everyone is okay, as long as you have the courage to be yourself.
Malin Skånberg for RealStars