Three questions for Emil Jensen

It’s time to ask three questions to someone we like. This time it’s Emil Jensen, the artist with many projects. On the Anti-Trafficking Day at Moderna Museet we listened to Emil who of course was most enjoyable.

1. What makes you happy?

Sweet loving, close friends, distant friends, nice and uncomfortable culture, meditative long-distance running, good coffee and genuine dedication.

2. How would you make the world a better place?

I have tried different ways to get involved for many years. I think direct drive works the best. A few years ago I was a part of a network called Ingen Människa är Illegal (No one is Illegal). They hide refugees and help unregistered immigrants. I felt that I was actually making the world a better place. Now, as an artist I’m trying to create awareness for those groups by supporting and inspiring those who listen to me. I have access to the microphone, as it’s called and that comes with a great opportunity. Perhaps even a certain responsibility.

3. What social challenges must be overcome in order to hinder trafficking and unfair sex (various kinds of abuse)?

Right now I believe it’s about actually focusing on the issue and remind society and the authorities that the problem is big as ever before. It has been in the dark for years. That’s why it’s important to find ways to make people understand that it happens in their neighborhood, otherwise you can’t get people permanently engaged in the issue. It’s sadly like that. A trendy issue will sooner or later become untrendy and vanish. The way issues are established requires persistance.

Photo: Peter Westrup