Steal with pride… using a good idea

From now on we are going to invite interesting people to give their views on Fair Sex and personal values. Some west Swedish companies (Preera, Volvo IT and Fortos Mangement Consulting) has taken the initiative to survey values in Sweden. We think this is an exciting idea. These companies want to encourage reflection and dialogue.. Bang! We do the same in a RealStars manner.

We´ll invite people from different sectors – the industry, media and culture/music, fashion, sports and people walking down the streets. We´re going to ask three short questions that are going to give us all new perspectives and interpretations:

1- What do you think is most important in life?

2- What woud you like to see more of in our society?

3- Has ”Fair Sex” as a term the status it deserves in the society and what important challenges are linked to it?

We´ll be back soon.

Do you know someone – or are you yourself – interesting and influential person that we should interview, let us know!