Trafficking increases and sex violations and abuse produces strong reactions. Fair Sex – sex on equal terms is an urgent topic that fits into the school curiculum with respect to ethics as well as human rights.
Fair Sex: The Network is a unique webbased and interactive material adjusted to students in secondary school. The students lear and receives the tools to be able to discuss the issues of sex violations, insults, sex trade and trafficking.
This is an invitation for people working with young people to receive a unique introduction to this material and an instruction on how it can be used on the class room.
Stockholm: You will also meet Nätvandraren Helena Meyer who will share her knowledge on sexual violations on the internet and how they can be dealt with.
Date: 31/3 at 16.00, Scandic Grand Central, Kungsgatan 70
Please send your reply by the 24/3 to isabel@realstars.eu
Göteborg: You will also meet Elisabeth Valinder from Bris, who will share her knowledge on children and young people.
Date: 26/3 at 15.00, Röhsska Museet, Vasagatan 39
Please reply before the 20/3 to stefan@realstars.eu