Last night Real Stars participated in Burgården High School’s event at the nightclub Valand in Gothenburg. 40 students in their last year of Stylist Studies organized the evening and they showed fantastic make-up and hairstyles. There were models that wore RealStar’s Fair Sex T-shirts and we presented the message on stage before the show started in front of a packed house at Valand.
It was last fall that the students first showed interest in cooperating with RealStars after being inspired by our message, Fair Sex – that sex should always be on equal terms and with mutual respect. The students felt the message should be an obvious element in their graduation show at the nightclub Valand on Kungsportsavenyn in Gothenburg.
RealStars was there and we were able to present our message – Fair Sex – on stage as well as distribute information in goody bags to the first 100 guests.
Valand was packed to the rafters when the show began and we were very impressed by what the students had accomplished. There were more than one hundred models split up into groups with different themes.
We are always happy when students take the initiative and organize events to raise awareness around issues touching on human rights and, in this case, everyone’s right to have sex on equal terms, without abuse, discrimination or infringement of their freedoms.
A big thank you to everyone at Burgården High School who wanted to cooperate with us. Together we will create a world where there is Fair Sex for all.