Food for fair sex is a new initiative of RealStars, to advise and support the work against trafficking through such a simple action as a snack. Matapoteket is the first to engage its guests.
RealStars has now teamed up with the popular raw food restaurant Matapoteket, which is the first café to increase awareness and public opinion against trafficking – modern-day slavery. RealStars wants to show that it is possible to influence and make a difference. Not least through the act of buying a coffee.
– Trafficking with human beings today must receive greater attention in the community. RealStars is using the Fair Sex as our weapon. Because we know that Europe is the continent with the highest number of slaves per capita in the world, and trade is increasing – we do everything we can to involve as many people as possible. We have many exciting collaborations and are very happy for our new partnership with Matapoteket, says Malin Johansson Roux, founder of RealStars.
Matapoteket is located in the heart of Södermalm in Stockholm. Through the initiative FOOD FOR FAIR SEX, it is now possible to enjoy a Raw Macaboll, while supporting efforts to combat trafficking and every person’s right to Fair Sex – Sex on equal terms and with mutual respect.
5 SEK of every sold Raw Macaboll go directly to RealStars’ work against sextrafficking. This health promoting pastry is specifically produced for RealStars, and is a welcome energy boost now that the cold makes its entrance.
One of Matapotekets two founders – Maria Troive said of the collaboration:
– We at Matapoteket is working for a better world in every way possible. Supporting RealStars in their efforts of Fair Sex is as important to us as to put love in our food. Both sex and food should be something natural, energizing and enjoyable.
Reconciling sex and food may seem strange. But basically, they constitute an important part of our basic needs, it is also something that can give us energy, which strengthens us and makes us feel good. Fair Sex – Sex on equal terms with mutual respect is a right as natural as the freedom to enjoy a coffee in the sun. That section can also become an important part of the work towards stopping trafficking.
RealStars is an independent, nonprofitable organization working for a world free of sextrafficking. Our vision is simple: Anyone can make an action against trafficking. Our message is fair sex – it means we think sex should be on equal terms, without force or violence, in all situations and for all people around the world. Trafficking and prostitution are the opposite of fair sex, and must be fought in every way.
For pressrelated inquiries please contact: Malin Johansson Roux, founder of RealStars, 070-747 41 87,
Enter pharmacy, Bondegatan 6, Södermalm, Stockholm, Contact: Mary Troive:
073-624 57 60
To go to Matapotekets website, click here