During last Tuesday RealStars were present at an inspiring breakfast lecture with Amelia Adamo, a journalist and entrepreneur, which was arranged by the Chalmers (the University of Gothenburg) and Connect Väst. We asked this Swedish newspaper queen Three Questions and she conveyed great experience through her answers.

What makes you happy?
The feeling of selling a large amount of my newspaper. My grandchildren and my new love (an Italian, just like me).
What would you do to make the world a better place?
I would destroy all weapons! They have to go. One should rather fight with fists. Personally, I would like to keep all weapons in a room equivalent to one where the nuclear waste is being kept.
What challenges do you see in order to stop trafficking and other forms of unfair sex?
It is incomprehensible. When it comes to money – women and children are still considered as goods. A collaboration between many entities is required and I also think that should be extremely illegal. The penalty should be as high as for murder. It is important to provide education and help these women to straighten their role in the society. An increased prosperity, democracy and reduced poverty will give these women more opportunities. It will bring us up. But until we reach that there is a need for police operations and more resources. Also, a change in our approach is required.