We continue with the series about fashion that makes you think. An interesting study from the Swedish fashion city of Borås recently said that purchasing of clothes and shoes had increased with 53 % between 1999-2009. (Speaking of Borås, a big thanks to the fashion designers in photography, design and models who have helped RealStars.)
The increase leaves a sour aftertaste. We like fashion, Realstars also want to create change – therefore we like Slow Fashion – fashion which lasts without being boring. The web store Hildur.se has some of the most interesting eco fashion brands at the moment. Material like environmentally friendly cotton, hemp and bamboo and staying true to a strong production is the main idea. Hildur has brands like Camilla Norrback, Spirit of Maya, Sobea, Knowledge cotton and more. The fashion is there and so is the feeling, check out the latest collections.
– It’s fun that eco-fashion is back with collections from several fashion-chains this spring. Though I wish more of the smaller eco fashion brands would invest in design and fashion. The ideal is of course that all clothes are made environmentally friendly and that they are good, says Annika Gillholm founder of Hildur.se.

Malin Roux, RealStars