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Kitty is another fascinating person who answers RealStars’ three questions. Kitty Jutbring has several projects in music, media and entertainment. She can be heard on the radio at P3-Star on P3.

1. What makes you happy?

When you start with something precious you can get absorbed and important enough to lose oneself for a while. It can be something cosmetic, like giving someone a nice haircut or something greater like committing to this cause. Being together with good people and don’t compromise with your instinct.

2. How would you make the world a better place?

I try to live and learn as much as I can. I use public transport, I am a vegan, a member of Unicef and Amnesty. I also try to be conscious of choices I make and how I treat others regardless of their class. But there is a risk in being completely politically correct, it’s important not to be too judgmental. It’s very annoying with people who preach and tell you how to live your own life. I try to be good enough and do what I can… but I always feel I should do more. Right now I’m sitting here wearing my leather shoes and feel ashamed. I don’t want to throw them away but I can at least refrain from buying more, right?

3. What social challenges must be overcome in order to hinder trafficking and unfair sex (various kinds of abuse).

I am not really familiar with this, but I can make some guesses:

– Change the view on people in general, especially women and children around the world.

– Pass new laws, put pressure on countries, governments and regimes who don’t act accordingly.

– Put focus on the issue and talk as much as possible about it. Talk about everything from domestic abuse and teenage violence to the vast international, systematic trafficking mess.

Take action – FOR FAIR SEX and a Europe free from Trafficking!

It’s time to ask three questions to someone we like. This time it’s Emil Jensen, the artist with many projects. On the Anti-Trafficking Day at Moderna Museet we listened to Emil who of course was most enjoyable.

1. What makes you happy?

Sweet loving, close friends, distant friends, nice and uncomfortable culture, meditative long-distance running, good coffee and genuine dedication.

2. How would you make the world a better place?

I have tried different ways to get involved for many years. I think direct drive works the best. A few years ago I was a part of a network called Ingen Människa är Illegal (No one is Illegal). They hide refugees and help unregistered immigrants. I felt that I was actually making the world a better place. Now, as an artist I’m trying to create awareness for those groups by supporting and inspiring those who listen to me. I have access to the microphone, as it’s called and that comes with a great opportunity. Perhaps even a certain responsibility.

3. What social challenges must be overcome in order to hinder trafficking and unfair sex (various kinds of abuse)?

Right now I believe it’s about actually focusing on the issue and remind society and the authorities that the problem is big as ever before. It has been in the dark for years. That’s why it’s important to find ways to make people understand that it happens in their neighborhood, otherwise you can’t get people permanently engaged in the issue. It’s sadly like that. A trendy issue will sooner or later become untrendy and vanish. The way issues are established requires persistance.

Photo: Peter Westrup

Three new answers for three new questions. This time an impulsive and energetic artist with a sincere voice. These are the answers from Caroline af Ugglas, who moved many watching “Melodifestivalen” with ”Snälla, snälla”.

1. What makes you happy?

The sun, music, art, nature, family, friends, animals and chocolate.

2. How would you make the world a better place?

Care for the environment. Treat others like you want to be treated yourself. The strong should help the weak.

Photo: Peter Cederling.

3. What social challenges must be overcome in order to hinder trafficking and unfair sex (various kinds of abuse).

Increased punishment for sex buyers. But I have heard it’s still not effective, so I mean much harsher punishment.

Take action – FOR FAIR SEX and a Europe free from Trafficking!

For most of his life, Thomas Hammarberg has worked with increasing the protection of human rights through various international assignments, such as the Council of Europe’s Commission for Human Rights. Thomas was given the Nobel Peace Prize in 1977 on behalf of Amnesty International.

What are you focused on today?

– The constant struggle for human rights.

Do you think human trafficking for sexual purposes has a prominent place on different agendas for human rights and social stability?

– There has been a lot of rhetoric and far too little concrete action. Cooperation between UN, EU the Council of Europe and (OSCE) on this matter has been lacking. For example, EU very rarely even mentions Council of Europe’s convention. The supervising agency GRETA or OSSE’s special representative – have even less cooperation.

Europol recently stated that trafficking has never been as extensive as now. . What should be done to turn the development and to stop trafficking?

– It is good that Europol and Interpol have reacted. I know they are concerned with the ineffectiveness of interactions with the police forces of certain countries. The lack of effective police action is a main problem. It is basically a question of PRIORITY.
– More debates regarding the fundamental principles are needed: the victims should be treated as victims and not as criminals. They should be granted proper protection when they are invited to work together with the police (long term); they should not be deported to their respective countries if there is a risk for reprisals or similar problems.
– Hardly any work has been done with the purpose of analyzing and taking action against the factors which make it possible for the traders to pick up the girls.

What’s important to think about when working with the export of the Swedish model to other countries and their citizens?

– A good example and an active stance in the European institutions (beyond the well-meaning rhetoric); demanding more effective police actions and resources for this; better interactions between the various European institutions (especially from EU).

What kind of responsibility do you think the sex buyer has in the so called trafficking chain? What type of measures are useful in the protection of the victims?

A big responsibility. Stopping human trading would be much easier if the ”demand” wasn’t as vast. That’s why exploiting these girls should be a criminal offense.

Malin for Realstars


Three new questions are asked to the supermodel Emma Wiklund. Emma is a woman of many talents. We have seen her as a broadcaster, actress – and now she has success as self-employed for the skin-care brand Emma S.

1. What makes you happy?

– My family, exercise, good food, travel and my friends.

2. How would you make the world a better place?

– Start with myself. Treat others the way I want to be treated.

3. What are the societal challenges in getting at trafficking and the manifestation of unfair sex (various kinds of abuse).

– I think it’s a difficult question, but cooperation between countries and trying to find and judge the criminals.


Three questions moves forth to Sasja Beslik, chief of responsible investments at Nordea, formerly from Banco Funds. Recently he received an important award from Young Global Leader 2011 from World Economic Forum, which makes it even more interesting to ask him questions regarding ethics and Fair Sex.

Today’s post differs from the earlier ones. Sasja is an internationally known and prominent expert in CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility. He combines a personal answer with the company’s perspective on the matter.

1- What do you think is important in life?

That is a big question. I consider three things important; love, family and friends.

2- What would you like to see more of in society?

I would like to see more happiness, creativity, compassion and engagement. I want to see less indifference. We live in an extremely masculine world. The finance crisis is a man’s crisis. I want to see more emotional presence. Many people say they value the rational, maybe we would gain something by being more emotional.

3- Has “Fair Sex” as an idea, the place it deserves in society and what important challenges do you find connected to it? How are companies affected?

We need to get the discussion going, there is far too little of it, of Fair Sex.

From a company’s and ethic perspective it is a matter which is of immediate importance in developing countries. 80 percent of Swedish companies’ production are made in developing countries. Countries where sex trafficking and prostitution is very common.

Certain industries are affected more than others. I have worked in the oil industry in Georgia and Azerbaijan. Alcoholism and prostitution are common effects of large-scale investments and projects.

The companies often have guidelines on a group level regarding the behavior of the personnel but sex trade occurs after business hours. How do you observe it in Swedish companies? The companies are against sex trafficking and trade on a policy level. Codes and ethic guidelines are one thing, following them is another. When we inspect companies, we must have basic data because sex trade occurs during spare time. Every tenth person heading for Asia will purchase sex. How do you pay attention to this? The airline companies have a great opportunity to affect its travelers.

The matter has certainly a place in companies’ responsibility debate, maybe primarily in the local society where the company building is located. Even hotels and companies in the tourist industry have a good opportunity to affect those interested and act against sex trafficking and prostitution locally.

Companies are also affected in countries like South Africa where AIDS/HIV is a problem and this affects operations in the country, coworkers and the local populace.

Using women to enhance business is probably customary for companies in Asia, Russia and Italy. We are not immune to this.


Sebastian Wijk
is a fantastic singer-song writer who will perform at RealStars’ club-event at Win Win in Gothenburg next Thursday May 24.
Read more about Sebastian and listen to his music here.

What makes you happy?
When there are no grey clouds in my heart. That’s when I’m happy.

What would you do to make the world a better place?
That’s a very difficult question. I wish I did much more to make the world better. I do little things to make the world nicer to people around me.

What are you playing at our club-event for Fair Sex and why did you decide participate?

I will play songs from my next album. I’m not telling which songs, as I haven’t decided yet.
I wanted to participate because it’s for a good cause of course. It feels possible to change the world perhaps in some small ways on these occasions.

Don’t miss RealStars event For Fair Sex in Gothenburg Thursday May 24.


Three new answers – we wondered what Linnea Henriksson, jazz singer & club organizer, values in life and thinks of Fair Sex. She is known by the public for her participation in Idol 2010. Linnea sings in the band Prylf, organizes the club Jam in Malmö and is currently with “Idol Tour Live!” which travels across Sweden at the start of 2011. Follow her blog on idolturne.se and join her Facebook Fanpage.

1. What do you think is important in life?

My family, my friends and relations to people I meet. It’s important to care for them and for people to take care of each other. I also think it’s very important to believe in yourself, to dream and to be unafraid to be comitted.

2. What would you like to see more of in society?

Warmth and love in an ordinary way. I am one of those people who doesn’t think February 14th is an important day – to me it’s important to give a little every day instead. That’s something I wish more people would do. Just simple eye contact on the bus – I think something as little as that can lead to great changes in the long run. I am afraid because many people want to do great things while only looking forwards, instead of living in the moment and seeing everything beautiful you meet every day.

3. Does “Fair Sex” as a concept have the place it deserves in society and what important challenges can you find connected to it?

Absolutely not. To me the concept was unknown before I heard of this campaign. I think it’s an incredibly important question which I wish would become bigger so it will become reality rather than something fought for. To exploit another human’s body, is an awfully major infringement of human rights.

It takes both long-term work with gender equality to improve women’s right in society, which is difficult all over the world – and it demands more evident actions in media to emphasize the issue to make people act and react. Serious Request (Musikhjälpen) is a good example of when people wants to help but needs an arena for it. Every day we get much informatiuon and it is easy to forget – therefore it is important to always remind oneself. And this campaign for Fair Sex is great. It is OK as long as you do something. Even if the work is hard it will always lead to improvement.

4. Do you have any favorite legware?

I like pantyhose even though they tear easily.


Here is the address to RealStars’ campaign JOIN FAIR SEX, sign and spread it to your friends


RealStars has three new answers, this time from Henning Mankell. We met him recently at the UNICEF conference about human trafficking where he was one of the speakers.

Profession: Writer and director at Teatro Avenida in Maputo

What do you think is important in life?

To believe that it must be possible to create a better world than the one we are living in today. I believe that for children to have a better future I must want other children to have the same.

2. What would you like to see more of in the society?

Solidarity. It is a word that sounds cliché. But the term still has the same value as it always has. My life cannot be better if other people’s lives aren’t.

3. Does the term ”Fair Sex” have the status it deserves in the society and what challenges do you see?

Fair Sex. It’s a long way to get there. Sexuality in Sweden and all around the world is characterized by a male perspective which actually applies to almost everything. I can believe in a society where sexuality is the greatest joy on equal terms.

More about Henning Mankell.

Picture: Lina Ikse Bergman

Three new questions for Tove Lifvendahl who is a social debater, writer and a member of SVT’s news-board. She is currently on parental leave from her duties as chief of communications at The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise.

1. What makes you happy?
Many thing and I allow myself happiness for different things; my husband and two children – the children are an unending source of pure happiness – spending time with good friends, meeting and having conversations with other people, the nature, travelling, beautiful things and good food, succeeding with something you planned to do, good books, film and music, flowers, presents, writing, photographing, building things and baking… To name a few.

2. What would you do to make the world a better place?
I think the values I have belong in a good society and I work to make changes in that direction through my work and as a writer and opinion-maker. I go to work feeling that the mission is to make the world, at least a small part of it better. It’s very important for me to add that motivation to my work. If I were all-powerful for a day I would probably do like the old folk-tale and let people change jobs and lives for a day. Understanding other people’s realities is crucial in making the world a nice place to live.

3. What challenges can you see to overcome trafficking and other terms for unfair sex?
I think both the political and social society are important. We need to be able to discuss resources with the justice and police, in order to curb and control crime. But it’s not enough – it’s also about finding smart ways to work towards changing attitudes – even mildly equal cultures are part of the mean. There is always an emphasis in an issue which you could try to shift towards the direction you want. The penalty for assault should be so severe that it actually discourages. I also want to say that if there was a simple solution we would already have gone through with it. It takes time – and it’s a never ending job.


RealStars’ three questions go to Ellinor Persson. She is a program host, TV journalist and moderator. A familiar face sharing her insights with us.

1- What do you think is important in life?

A lot of things are important in life. I think of my family that is very important to me; for the love it gives me. Children give me love and help me capture the day “Carpe Diem”. It is extremely important to me. If one is unable to capture the day – and only thinks ahead – he/she loses so much.

2- What would you like to see more in society?

I would like to see more courageous people. I don’t think the problem is about values but rather the lack of people taking a stand and daring to show their values.

3-  Does “Fair Sex” concept have the position it deserves in the society and what are the important challenges that you think come with it?

No, the concept has not received enough attention. The issue of Fair Sex needs to be highlighted until the last problem is solved. There is hidden unfair sex that we don’t talk about. Unfair Sex is a big issue which in its turn creates misleading values. It takes courageous people like you to take on this challenge. The challenge in the long run is not to make people work for Fair Sex but to have people live with Fair Sex. The problem is deeply rooted, and it is about basic values to be able to respect each other.

Do you have any favorite legwear?

I prefer footless – leggings – because I have long legs. I like them with sharp and happy colors.

Read more about Ellinor.


RealStars are happy and proud to present Maria Nyström – better known as The Naima Train – one of our two great singers at tomorrow’s event against trafficking.

You will be playing a song by Björk at the Club-event for Fair Sex- why did you pick that song?

I chose to play the song Cocoon. Björk is an artist who despite her success hasn’t conformed to norms and never been close to being a sex symbol. The song is definitely about sex, but only from Björk’s perspective. It’s great with musicians who can write about sex in an amazingly relaxed and genuine way.

What does the song say?

It’s beautiful and familiar and describes some kind of sexual situation. The lyrics aren’t about Björk wanting to take of her clothes or shake her ass for someone. It’s about love/sex/intimacy, the way most people want to experience it. She clearly shows it’s possible to sing about it in a tasteful way.

Is it something we talk about, in society? What can music do for us people?

I think it’s a great shame that women must appear vulgar to express their sexuality. This is even more explicit in show business where you should be able to express yourself in your own way. Instead many divert to not stand out. Women are supposed to be there for the men and not show their own sexuality. In my opinion this is the reason for many sexual assaults and why the world is in this way. To have the power to be heard and taken seriously; a good start for change could be in show business.