RealStars work on all levels to create and influence public opinion against trafficking and sex trade in Europe. The work is done foremost through campaigns targeting politicians and decision makers. We aim to strengthen the values for Fair Sex in the society and among individuals.
For Fair Sex against Trafficking
Make Fair Sex real started in 2011 and is targeting the decision makers in the EU to be more active against the trafficking industry, to intensify the policy and make it a punishable offence to buy sex from a trafficking victim in the new legislation. That demand used to be part of the proposal but it was removed right at the end of the negotiations. You can find more information here about EU trafficking legislation.
RealStars is committed to making it possible. To address the demand and toughen the legislation concerning the sex trade is the most important step towards eliminating slavery in Europe. The criminalization is crucial for putting an end to sex trafficking, since it would reduce the demand that fosters trafficking, by making it less profitable and more risky. As long as the sex buyer has no liability, it’s business as usual for the human traffickers.
Buying sex must become more difficult and a law against buying sex is needed in the whole of the EU. The victims of trafficking must be protected from the middlemen as well as from the people who use their vulnerability, that is to say the sex buyers.

During 2012 and 2013 RealStars has continued the campaign against trafficking where anyone can show their commitment to a Europe free from trafficking and make sure the sex buyers are made responsible for their actions. Sign the petition and join the Fair Sex Campaign!
All signatures will be sent to EU:s Ministers of Justice as well as to Swedish politicians such as Cecilia Malmström. RealStars wishes to use the campaign to ensure better protection for the victims, tougher convictions for the traffickers and encourage individual countries to work actively to decrease the demand by making it illegal to buy sex from a trafficked person.
Travel for Fair Sex – trafficking at our most popular destinations
Swedish people travel more than most people. During 2013 the campaign Travel For Fair Sex focuses on a few of our most popular destinations such as Barcelona, Berlin and Greece. In Barcelona alone there are approximately 50.000 people in prostitution and 90 % of these are victims of trafficking. With the Campaign Travel for Fair Sex we wish to focus on trafficking, prostitution and child sex trafficking. Sign the petition and join the Campaign here:
Young Girls travel with rich men
Through our campaigns we wish to endorse the values connected to Fair Sex. The video clip from Miss Travel highlights a grey area. The film is produced by the dating site Miss Travel that connects young, beautiful girls with rich men looking for travel companions and who are also paying for the trip. This scheme worries us and that’s why we have come up with a reply. Have a look! is not illegal, but in our eyes it contributes to moving the boundaries towards making sex trade acceptable. Please contact us if you come across anything similar. Our thanks to DamnGoodAgency.