The Internet´s links to questions of Fair Sex rouse interest amongst youngsters

RealStars work in schools continues to spread knowledge and gives food for thought about Fair Sex and its challenges. At the French school´s sixth form college in Stockholm, students showed interest in questions regarding the internet and Fair Sex.

RealStars at the French School (Franska Skolan) in Stockholm

The links between the internet and Fair Sex are getting stronger and it is important to address
them in order to get an overall view. Students at sixth form colleges that RealStars visited
express the necessity and the wish to learn more about legislation and the boundaries set on
the internet. One question that always comes up when we talk about the internet and Fair Sex is
porn, with varying views and starting points. Some show a nuanced understanding of the
consequences regarding both the production and consumption of porn. But we also meet a
glamorised picture of the porn industry, where the participants in the film are “porn stars” and
are taking part completely of their own free will. The elements of violence and put downs can be
missed entirely by the consumers, and can affect their view of sex and relationships at a deeper
level. This is especially true when exposure to this comes at an even earlier age, long before
these youngsters have even had sex for the first, or got access to information and knowledge
from other places, like school or from their guardians.

Julia Andén, RealStars´ project manager, went to visit the French School in Stockholm´s sixth form college on 22nd March, as one of the invited guests, for their theme day, “the basis for discrimination”. Apart from a great deal of activity during the lecture, which brought to the fore Fair Sex online, with questions and comments, there were also several students who came forward afterwards to discuss issues on prostitution and trafficking, as well as setting boundaries on the internet. Many students took the opportunity of supporting RealStars by signing a petition for a law making it illegal to buy sex in the E.U.

Initiatives where students are able to discuss these issues in a safe environment and with knowledgeable people, raises their consciousness as well as the possibilities to a healthy stance, whereby sex takes place via mutual consent and with mutual respect – Fair Sex. So RealStars´ work with schools continues and is available in schools around Stockholm and Gothenburg, where we go to visit individual classes, or in connection with theme days and the like. At the moment we can even charge for our visit, according to the school´s needs and means. If you want to know more or have any questions, please go to or .