On the 18th of April, Realstars were one of the exhibitors at CSR Forum with the theme of Integration and Climate. We stuck out when talking about Corporate Social Responsibility against commercial sexual exploitation.
Many important topics were brought up throughout the day and several talented speakers brought up important questions and societal issues, however, we also got to hear possible solutions. Equality was partly in the agenda although we at Realstars would have liked to see a greater emphasis on this topic to allow time for discussing possible solutions for companies to take the steps necessary. This need is particularly clear in the wake of Me Too.
During the breaks we provided information about the work we do at Realstars. Since Corporate Social Responsibility was the focus amongst the attendants we talked about Business Against Trafficking. We spoke to make interested and percipient individuals from various professions and companies.
Above all, we wished to provide information about how important it is with policies within businesses relating to sex purchase. We asked the question “has your company taken a stance against sex purchase?” and many answered through a mini-survey. The answers were varied, some didn’t know whether there was a policy in place and several didn’t believe there to be a policy at their company.
We at Realstars think that the issue about sex purchase during Business travels should be given a greater focus within the scope of companies’ CSR work. This is particularly true for companies that have frequent Business trips. The lack of a policy also creates an uncertainty for employees regarding the company’s values and guidelines.

Thank you for an important and fruitful day!