
Book Fair 2024 – Every Name Counts

RealStars once again participated in the Book Fair. It was an experience filled with engagement and important conversations. This year, we focused on spreading specific knowledge about the Gothenburg police’s inaction regarding the high-profile Swish list containing 229 names of potential sex buyers linked to a pimping case from last summer. Every name counts. At… Read more »

No Convictions for Human Trafficking in 2022 – Human Trafficking Units Disbanded

In recent years, the police have been forced to allocate increasing resources to combat gang crime, which has led to a deprioritization of efforts against human trafficking for sexual exploitation. Human trafficking units have been disbanded, while the number of prosecutions and convictions has reached record low levels. Human Trafficking Units Disbanded In an article… Read more »

RealStars mobilizes against exploitation on the EU’s Anti-Trafficking Day

From the top left: The staff at Clarion Hotel Post, informational material on the tables at Clarion Hotel Amaranten, Camilla Hannen, front desk manager at H. Lorensberg, RealStars Stockholm process leader Malin Säflund at the information desk at Clarion Hotel Amaranten. On the bottom row: Jennie Wennberg, front desk manager at Q.H. Waterfront, materials at… Read more »

Realstars highlights March 8 aiming to eliminate sexual exploitation and starts an auction against trafficking

Sextrafficking is a growing crime where women and girls are particularly vulnerable to being exploited in prostitution. Men’s demand for sex is the fundamental problem as it drives human trafficking. In connection with International Women’s Day, Realstars educates hotels and starts an auction against trafficking. Prostitution and human trafficking occur daily in Sweden and Europe,… Read more »

Ord har betydelse!

Ord har betydelse! Fjolårets kartläggning av prostitution och människohandel genomförd av Jämställdhetsmyndigheten innefattar begreppet “sex mot ersättning”. Dessutom användes ord som “köpare” och “säljare” för förövare respektive personer som utnyttjades i prostitution. Detta underminerar den utsatthet som ett liv i prostitution så ofta präglas av. Realstars har länge varit en organisation som har uppmärksammat hur… Read more »

Gothenburg bars join the fight against trafficking!

In connection with the EU Anti-trafficking day on October 18th RealStars engaged not only online and with Auction Against Trafficking and held political discussions, but we also collaborated with bars and restaurants along Andra Långgatan in Gothenburg! This year we introduced a new concept tailored to the bar and restaurant environment. The concept involved bars… Read more »

The bidding was ticking every other second in the Auction against trafficking 2021

The auction against trafficking is over for this time. Realstars are incredibly grateful for the fantastic commitment! Role models and companies have together collected 54.428 kronor to counteract trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation. The 18:th of October every year, EU: s anti-trafficking day occurs, but this year we chose to splurge and draw attention to… Read more »

Female migrants coming to Europe are extremely vulnerable to exploitation

European Network of Migrant Women’s latest report, shows that there is a lot missing in the support and care inventions for female migrants in Europe, and that they are also especially vulnerable to being exposed to sexual exploitation. Just like many in commercial sexual exploitation, migrant women are suffering from a high degree of posttraumatic… Read more »

Realstars Sweden’s annual meeting 2021 – Welcome to the new board members!

The 27th of May, Realstars national board held an annual meeting for the financial year of 2020. We looked back on a different but still very eventful year! In 2020 and 2021 there was in many ways a breakthrough and momentum in the work against sexual exploitation in Sweden, where Realstars have been a driven… Read more »

An Auction on Tradera for the benefit of the work against sexual exploitation

Recent years campaigns and surveys show clearly that sexual exploitation has increased in Sweden the last few years. Despite this, there are few resources for the preventive work, to work against sex purchase that drives prostitution and human trafficking. That’s why Realstars are exploring new ways to draw attention to the work to combat trafficking… Read more »