As autumn arrives, it’s the perfect time to clear out your closet. Maybe find a new home for that unused lamp in the corner? Many of us have things tucked away in our wardrobes or attics – nice items we just don’t use. This past June, with the support of Therése Lindgren, Linda Pira, Otto Wallin, Oscar Ahlin, and Robin Söderling, we were able to expand awareness of RealStars’ mission. Now, you too have the opportunity to make a difference! In connection with EU’s Anti-Trafficking Day, RealStars is once again hosting the Auction Against Trafficking during Week 42, inviting the public to auction their own items for this meaningful cause. Whether it’s grandma’s beautiful (but too-small) boots or another cherished piece, it can be put to good use!
People are not commodities. Fair Sex and consent cannot be bought.
To stop the sex trade, RealStars needs funding.
Support the Auction Against Trafficking in connection with the EU’s Anti-Trafficking Day!
To stop sexual exploitation, we must prevent the purchase of “sex.” Exploiting women and others in prostitution should not be risk-free, yet we are seeing a troubling normalization of the sex trade in Sweden. RealStars recognizes the need for more awareness campaigns on this topic to counter this worrying development and the myths about prostitution that still persist. Myths such as the idea of the “happy prostitute” or that sexual exploitation can be viewed as any other type of work.
This week, Ekot reported that the European Court of Human Rights is reviewing whether the French law prohibiting “sex” purchases violates the European Convention on Human Rights. Advocates for prostitution have argued that the law infringes on the “right to privacy,” an argument we’ve heard many times before. The reality is however, that the power rarely belongs to the person selling “sex.” In the vast majority of cases, control lies with the “buyer” – the perpetrator who pays for the right to someone else’s body.
To counteract these myths and reduce the demand for sexual exploitation, funding is essential. October 18 marks the EU’s Anti-Trafficking Day, and over the years we have paid attention to this day in various ways. This year, we aim to replicate the success of June’s initiative – this time, inviting the public for even broader participation!
In June, the Auction Against Trafficking allowed us to raise awareness to issues surrounding the purchase of sexual services and sexual exploitation, reaching new audiences who might not typically encounter these topics. Reaching a wide audience is key to shifting public opinion and driving political change. Stopping sexual exploitation requires a multi-faceted approach, but addressing these issues in a preventative manner requires adequate funding.
Now, you can participate by auctioning items in the Auction Against Trafficking and contribute to a world free from sex trafficking and exploitation.
Contact us at if you want to donate something that can be of use to someone else, your contribution will help us combat trafficking!