Do you think that Fair Sex is everybody’s right?
Join RealStars and get involved in the important work to stop trafficking in Europe.
- Do you want to subscribe to RealStars’ Newsletter? Send an email to or add your name on the home page.
- Sign the petition For Fair Sex and support the EU campaign here.
- Support our campaign Travel for Fair Sex.
- Spread the word about our campaigns to bloggers and other actors.
- Get in touch with companies that would like to support the work against trafficking. Perhaps your own workplace would like to become RealStars’ friend.
- Contribute to to the cause by becoming a volunteer using what you are good at: communication, social media, research, transactions, writing blog post, organize, and initiate a project that would highlight the issue of trafficking. Read more under “Become a Volunteer”.
- Become a RealStars member and pay 106 krona to Bank giro: 754-0578. Write “Membership” in the message box. You can find more information about membership here. As a member, you are welcome to attend RealStars’ annual meeting where you are able to influence and develop the organisation.
- You can support our work by donating. We depend on the contribution of sponsors and donors who wish to make a stand for Fair Sex against trafficking.