Realstars visited Katrinebergs folk college for a one-day workshop with soon-to-be teacher assistants. We met a dedicated group that had lots of questions and we had a very rewarding day together. We talked about trafficking, prostitution and how we can decrease demand. We also asked us the question; How do we talk about this with children and young adults?
The dedication during the day was huge and there were lots of good discussions and questions. Everyone felt more motivated and inspired to work more actively with these questions at the end of the day. It is a heavy subject and sometimes it is hard to take in what the situation is like for people that are subject to trafficking and prostitution, or that we still have structures in Sweden that puts the blame on or questions rape victims. But anger over a terrible situation can create commitment that leads to change!
So how do we create this change? One way for these soon-to-be teacher assistants is to make sure that Fair Sex is discussed in their schools, ensure that there are plans and structures to counteract all forms of sexual harassment and make sure that the schools are actively working with these questions. It is incredibly important that grownups talk about sex in a natural way with children and young adults, because it enables us to throw out myths, give information based on facts and create an understanding of what consent is and what that means. If we as adults do not talk with children and youths about these questions, there is a risk that all the information they have about sex comes from porn or other platforms that spreads a skewed image of what sex is or can be.
At Realstars we are sure that these dedicated teacher assistants will do an excellent job spreading knowledge and being a support for our children and youths in schools, you will make a big difference! We also hope that this will help spread the Fair Sex concept and Fair Sex web based game:The network in schools.