RealStars visited Doc Lounge at DebaserMeidisi in Stockholm last Tuesday. There was a screening of the film The Price of Sex and a discussion during the evening. RealStars talked about our work and mingled with the visitors after the screening.
The documentary The Price of Sex, made by Mimi Chakarova, is a poignant depiction of women who have the worst of fates, they have been forced to sell their bodies. These women from Eastern Europe have been tricked into the horrible sex industry. Read an earlier review here.
After the film, Chief Inspector Kajsa Wahlberg and law researcher Jenny Westerstrand discussed the issue for a Swedish perspective on trafficking. Kajsa Wahlberg stressed the importance of the Swedish Sex Trade Law, a law which only Norway and Iceland have copied so far. Finland has another version of the law.
Do you also think the Sex Trade Law should exist in all EU countries?
Join the campaign and sign the petition here.
/Elizabeth Granqvist for RealStars