Om RealStars


RealStars is a new initiative founded in Sweden in 2010. RealStars is an independent non-profit organization that promotes Fair Sex and aims at putting an end to sex trafficking in Europe.

With the concept of Fashion for Fair Sex we use design and fashion in order to channel our message of Fair Sex to a broad audience. Our first design of legwear by the Swedish designer Johanna Brag has been seen in an exhibition at The Röhsska Museum (Fashion and design and textile museum in Sweden)

Fair Sex means to acknowledge sex as a positive force in people´s lives, on equal terms and with mutual respect. Fair Sex is the opposite of sexual violence, abuse and trafficking. We strive for a sustainable world and want to make Fair Sex a reality for we all.

Fair Sex helps us all to consider the difficult issue of sex trafficking from a new perspective that all of us can relate to. In this fashion, Fair Sex gives us meaning, direction and energy beyond the tragic circumstances of sex trafficking guiding and inspiring us in our work without losing the sense of urgency.

We work by campaigning, awareness activities and by inspiring other societal actors and corporations to join our commitment for a more socially sustainable world.


RealStars mission is to channel public opinion on the issue of sex trafficking and freedom and together bring positive changes to all women and men alike in EU.

RealStars Campaigns

RealStars first campaign calling for the EU to combat and prevent trafficking to and within the union, For Fair Sex- Against Trafficking

Next step is RealStars products both financing preventative work to stop trafficking and including a campaign card. Everyone can join our campaigns online!

How we work

Our work is based on human rights and aim to influence key decision-makers at EU level. We gather and distribute knowledge in order to create awareness to a broad audience in the area of sex trafficking so that a mass movement can be created. We offer everyone to participate in our campaigns on the web and in the future through action cards included in the packages turning consumers into change agents.

We aim to spread the model of turning consumers into change agents through cooperation and partnership with corporations that can apply our concept as part of their corporate responsibility program.

RealStars products

RealStars first collection of tights and leggings are designed by a young and promising Swedish designer, Johanna Brag. Her dashing and playful design was inspired by freedom and courage. Stay tuned for more info about the release! Johanna Brag is an apparel designer and works for a French designer brand in Paris. More about Johanna:


RealStars is founded by Malin Roux and Emmanuel Roux. Today the organisation is managed by Malin Roux and a board of directors. The co-founders trying to make good use of what they have learnt through life. Together, they combine experience from leading NGOs such as Amnesty International and Greenpeace along with experience from the private sector.

An advisory board with key individuals contribute to the development of RealStars in the areas of campaign and human rights, fashion and communication.

Bert-Ola Bergstrand

Sasja Beslik

Fredrik Ganslandt

Ulrika Jonasson-Borggren

Monica Nebelius

Petra Wallenstam

Please contact us if you would suggest a person to the advisory board!

Board of Directors

Magnus Almhed

Amanda Frövenholt

Lotta Johansson

Didier Schreiber

Emmanuel Roux

Malin Roux, (ordförande)


RealStars is as a non-profit organisation dependent on donations and support from fantastic individuals, and companies who have helped us along the way offering their precious time and expertise.

The future incomes from the legwear will not only spread our message but finance our campaigns and outreach activities as well. The organization also develop partnersship with companies that share our values where the concept of RealStars would be applied in their program.

Donation and contact information

Donate to RealStars and support our work to put an end to sex trafficking in Europe.

Bank giro: 754-0578.

Adress: RealStars

Södra Larmgatan 6




Malin Roux


+46 70 747 41 87

Emmanuel Roux


+46 73 435 97 80