The new EU directive on trafficking in human beings, which was passed in March 2011, missed the opportunity to make it illegal to buy sex from a trafficked person. The criminalisation is crucial for putting an end to sex trafficking, since it would reduce the demand that fosters trafficking, make it less profitable and more risky. As long as the sex buyer has no liability, it’s business as usual for the human traffickers.
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is the chance of an European involved in trafficking being convicted and only 1-2% of sex trafficking victims are rescued. Statistics show that trafficked sex slaves are by far the most lucrative slaves in the world.

of all sex trafficking victims are under 18 years old. And the number of teenaged victims rises. For example, the numbers of girls under 18 used for prostitution in Amsterdam increased from 4,000 to 15,000 in 2011. In Switzerland it is still legal to buy sex from someone under 18.

is the number of women who comes to Europe as victims of trafficking each year (as estimated by ILO). The total amount of sex trafficking victims has increased during recent years.

wanted to escape prostitution but had no other options but to continue.
- 73% of all prostitutes have had a history of sexual abuse in their childhood.
- 63% have been raped in prostitution.
- 71% have been physically assaulted.