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Sex trafficking exists because we humans are willing to buy sex and thus take control over another human being, in an extremely vulnerable situation.
Many people in search of jobs are tricked into sex trafficking - an enticing job advertisement can turn into a nightmare. Often you are tricked by someone you already know.
Europe has the world's highest number of sex slaves per capita and the sex trade continues to increase. A major problem is that in many countries you are allowed to buy sex; making sex trade and trafficking into a very lucrative business. In order to stop human trafficking, we must cut off the flow of money from purchases of sexual services. At RealStars we work tirelessly on a broad front to fight trafficking. And with your help we will be able to create a better world free of human trafficking - a society which protects the victims from the perpetrators. The goal is for all countries to have a law prohibiting buying sex like the one we have in Sweden and the one France just recently adopted.
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