Five questions for Alexandra Pascalidou

We continue our Realstars tradition where we pose questions to various individuals. We ask them to reflect on Fair Sex and its opposites. This time we asked  Alexandra Pascalidou. You know her for her multi-talent; as a journalist, writer, broadcaster, producer, lecturer and master of ceremonies. Realstars’ plans are in full motion in time for… Read more »

The end of the high season

Summer is coming to an end and it feels both nice and troublesome in different ways. Stability is good and boring. Everyone returns to their everyday lives and summer becomes but a memory. Summer is high season for ice cream, travel and sex tourism. Sex tourism is a rapidly expanding industry that grows more expansive… Read more »

What do you intend to do, Beatrice Ask?

”What does the Minister of Justice intend to do to ensure that all police districts actively and efficiently work on the issues of human trafficking for sexual purposes and the act of paying for sexual services?” This is how Hanna Bergstedt (S) concludes her open letter to Beatrice Ask. The letter inquires as to why… Read more »

I Zürich säljs kvinnor som snabbmat

Bild The Mirror. Prostitution är som vilken affärsverksamhet som helst och kan inte förbjudas. Det är en av anledningarna till att det i statlig regi har öppnat en drive-through-bordell i Zürich. Genom att installera larmknappar i båsen har man har även tagit fasta på de prostituerade kvinnornas särskilda utsatthet för misshandel och övergrepp (!). Samtidigt… Read more »