France one step closer to Sex Purchase Act

Politicians in the National Assembly have accepted aspects of the proposals to criminalise the sex buyer if the legislation is passed. The Swedish Sex Purchase Act is the inspiration for the proposal. The lower house is now set to consider the proposed act on Wednesday.

According to the proposal buying sex will be punishable by a fine of 1500 euros (equivalent to 13,000 SEK). Repeat offenders face fines of 3,750 Euros.

As we have previously written, there are voices in support of a German model in France. Historically, France has a fundamental view of prostitution closer to the Swedish position that society and the individual are harmed. Brothels were outlawed in France as early as 1946 and the country has had a strong movement to abolish and stop prostitution, the “abolitionist” approach. There is a very good article on the topic in the Swedish daily Svenska Dagbladet “Sex Purchase Act a new French revolution” (in Swedish).

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