A visit to Borgarskolan in Gävle

Last week the process manager of RealStars in Stockholm had the great pleasure to visit Borgarskolan in Gävle for during an entire afternoon hold a lecture and a creative workshop for students in second grade with an image- and graphic communication.

The day included many interesting reflections on human trafficking, sex trafficking and prostitution, as well as how media choose to angle these topics in their reporting. After the lecture, the valuation exercises around sex and relationships in their vicinity, prostitution, sex trafficking and human trafficking created a great debate in class. In these situations it is very important to remember that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and that there is no right or wrong.  The students showed a great understanding for each other, although some topics created a heated debate.

Another discussion revolved around how products are marketed through sex – as well as having a responsibility in their future professional roles in communication. We observed that sex sells but we asked ourselves if it is acceptable to use sex to sell something. Most students agreed that sex are actually used to promote products and that it creates a “buzz”. However, there are limits to how sex can and should be used. Among other things, the students found that the recognized perfume ad, in which a women is sitting naked with legs apart and the only thing covering her is her perfume bottle, was not acceptable.

The remaining time was spent in groups where the students tried to come up with ideas on how the message “fair sex – against trafficking” can be spread through graphic communication. Over the next two weeks the students are going to work out creative posters/messages that will be published at https://realstars.eu/creativityforfairsex.

Maximilia Hollinder, Borgarskolan Gävle, ES13M

Maximilia Hollinder, Borgarskolan Gävle, ES13M

The first contribution signed Maximillia Hollinder showed up in the mailbox the very same day!

Thank you all for a great afternoon, your commitment was fantastic! RealStars is looking forward to take part of your exciting creations!

You are stars.